CMWIN software for CMU 1000 and HMG 510

CMWIN software for CMU 1000 and HMG 510

  • HYDAC software CMWIN V03, compatible with the CMU 1000, is available for subsequent evaluation of the measured data on the PC.

  • The main component of the PC software CMWIN V03 is the CM Editor. It provides various tools and functions based on IEC 61131 for designing, incorporating and testing user programs for the CMU 1000.

  • CMWIN also makes it possible to read out, configure and parametrise HYDAC condition monitoring sensors in combination with the HMG 510.

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CMWIN User manual E
Operating/maintenance instructions EN

(0.95 MB)

PC-Software CMWIN V03 R42
Software EN

(1.22 MB)