Open Trainings 2024


Several of our customers want an introductory course in hydraulics for their order processors and buyers.

This is to improve the understanding of what is ordered and the requirements that are placed on both the requests that are sent and the responses to the offers that are received in return.

Based on this need, we have put together a course that we believe many order processors and purchasers of hydraulics will enjoy.

8th of March 09:00 - 15:00


Agenda (norwegian)


What is hydraulics? - What are hydraulics used for? - What is unique/special about hydraulics?

Marine/Offshore - Material qualities/Types of packing - Special fluids - Class companies - ATEX - Documentation/Certificates

About the components
What are the products called? - Practical examples of use - See physical components - Materials - Accessories - Documentation - Service/Calibration.


Questions and registration are sent to:


Open technical hydraulics course. The course is free of charge and includes lunch. You must pay for travel and any accommodation costs yourself.

Date: 29 - 30th of May and 16 - 17th of October.

Location: Berghagan 4 A, 1405 LANGHUS

80% fault in the hydraulics..

Agenda (Norwegian)

Day 1 at 09:00 - 16:00
Briefly about hydraulics in general

Basic information - Hydraulic fluids - Pumps - Valves - Cylinders - Systems

Filter technology / Oil unit

Importance of clean oil and why is this so often in focus? - Words/Expressions - From theory to practice - Types of pollution and the following - What distinguishes a good and a bad filter - Practical tips - The blood of the oil/system - How to understand oil analyzes


Day 2 at 09:00 - 16:00

Accumulator technology
What is an accumulator? - Accumulator types - When to choose what? - Pulse/noise suppressors - Calculations
- Application examples - Accessories - Bladder accumulator service - Practical tips when handling accumulators.

Use of sensors in hydraulic and/or lubrication systems
Use of continuous signals? - Words, expressions, background information - Available technology - Systematization and use of signals - Applications/Experience

More info, films and tips

How to charge an accumulator

How to change the bladders on an accumulator

First step towards preventive maintenance